A blog I visit often recently ran a post about the Holocaust.
The Special Detachment reassured the Jews being gassed by talking of life in the camp, and tried to persuade them that all would be alright. ... The Special Detachment men were also responsible for comforting older children that might cry "because of the strangeness of being undressed in this fashion."
These measures did not deceive all, however. Hoss reported of several Jews "who either guessed or knew what awaited them nevertheless" but still "found the courage to joke with the children to encourage them, despite the mortal terror visible in their own eyes."
Not that I'm encouraging anarchy, but I wonder how much of that "courage to joke with the children to encourage them" came out of the general desire we have of keeping things orderly and running smoothly, even if we don't like what's going on (or are terrified of what's going on because it's simply blatant evil).
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