Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Robert Jordan breaks a little silence. Most of the post is trivial, but fun. And it is nice to hear that two of my favorite authors get along with each other (and I know Orson Scott Card gets along with Martin, but that's not relevant to this post).

The interesting quote is
Mario Plateau asks how can we deal with death, and Anne asks whether I am afraid of death. You deal with death the way you deal with breathing, or with air. Death is a natural and inevitable end. We all come to it eventually. I’m not eager for death, certainly, and I intend to fight it, but neither am I afraid of death. I made my accommodations with death a long ago, when I was a young man. Face to face with it.

I have to admit, I think those accomodations made "face to face" with death were part of an initiation ceremony. But, overall, I think it's great advice.


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