Friday, September 08, 2006

"The fabrication of this scene (of such apparent magnitude) cannot be justified under any reasonable definition of dramatic license," [Sandy Burger] wrote. ...

"The content of this drama is ... inaccurate. ... It is unconscionable to mislead the American public about one of the most horrendous tragedies our country has ever known," Lindsey and Band wrote in their letter. ...

"While ABC is promoting 'The Path to 9/11' as a dramatization of historical fact, in truth it is a fictitious rewriting of history that will be misinterpreted by millions of Americans," [Lindsey and Band] said.

"You can't take a film that's supposed to report on something that's so real and so close and make it into fiction." [Schumer]

I wonder what their opinion of Fahrenheit 911 is.


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