Tuesday, January 16, 2007

The New York Times is running a "sobering" article about Greenland and Global Warming. Except I don't consider it all that sobering.

The world is getting warmer. I'll admit it. I don't think that Global Warming will kill three-quarters of the world's population in the next five years.

Now that we've hashed that out, let's get down to the important questions. (1) How many coastal areas flooded because of Greenland's melting ice? (2) Is a warmer Earth better or worse than what we've got today? Would longer growing seasons in parts of the world (especially poorer parts of the world) improve the lives of people living there, and increase food supplies? Would that improvement "make up for" fewer ski resorts? (3) What is the optimal global temperature? (4) Even if humans stopped all greenhouse gas production, the world would still warm; is this good or bad? etc, etc, etc.


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