Sunday, April 15, 2007

Wow, I didn't realize it's been almost a month since my last post. There really hasn't been much to write about, though. Aside from the obvious things. Oh, and a big non-event of Pelosi visiting Syria. But aside from that, the two big stories recently -- apparently the biggest stories in the world by the play they are getting -- are what Don Imus said at 6-something-ungodly-in-the-morning and the self-destruction of the Duke rape case.

Taking those in reverse order, I understand the Duke rape case being a state-wide or even regional story. I do not understand why it's a nationwide story. Not even with the race issue involved.

As for Don Imus, I'm not about to suggest that I know the solution to race relations in this country. I have laughed at the number of black callers I've heard on various radio shows sarcastically calling Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton "my representative."

What I find interesting is that the people most vocally offended by Imus's radio show (1) did not listen to the show, and (2) made fun of millions of Americans who found a certain Superbowl halftime show offensive. Remember when a "wardrobe malfunction" was supposedly covered by the First Amendment, even if it happened in front of millions of people? And most recently we've learned that Media Matters actually assigned somebody to listen to Imus in order to be offended so that he could then complain to the FCC.

Years ago I saw the comment that "I may not agree with what you have to say, but I will fight to the death to defend your right to say it." I didn't believe the Left agreed with that comment then, and I don't believe it agrees with that comment now.


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