Thursday, June 14, 2007

Wow, it's been a month. I'e had a few things to say, but no time to sit down and say them.

You may remember Mohammed Taheri-azar -- the young man who tried to run over students at UNC Chapel Hill in order to avenge Muslim deaths in the Middle East. He's in the news again. First, because he's been judged "competent to stand trial," and second because he's asked very politely to be released from prison.

I think the letter to be released from prison is really just the beginning of a "not guilty by reason of insanity" defense. Being competent to stand trial and being sane are two different things. "Competent to stand trial" means "able to understand the basic concepts of the court system, and able to work with an attorney to prepare a defense." "Sane" means, essentially, "doesn't believe the moon is made of cheese."

So, yes, it's possible for a person to understand the concept of being charged with a crime, and understand that a guilty verdict will result in prison time, while that person also hears voices from animals.


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