It's got to be rough to be John Kerry:
A University of Florida student was Tasered and arrested after trying to ask U.S. Senator John Kerry about the 2004 election and other subjects during a campus forum. ...
As two officers take Meyer by the arms, Kerry, D-Mass., is heard to say, "That's alright, let me answer his question." ...
As Kerry tells the audience he will answer the student's "very important question," Meyer struggles on the ground and yells at the officers to release him, crying out, "Don't Tase me, bro," just before he is Tasered.
At least Al Franken wasn't involved.
UPDATE I've heard some people faulting John Kerry for this. Just to be clear; I don't think Kerry could have done anything. He was pretty helpless in this situation. I think this is more a question of the police officers making a serious mistake, and I expect the university to throw a lot of money to fix the problem.
UPDATE I still haven't seen the video (it's really not high on my list of things to do); but I'm no longer sure that the police overreacted. Turns out Tasers have more than one setting, and Meyer was hit with a lower setting than I believed originally. This lower setting sounds like it's kin to Mace, pepper spray, pressure points, or any number of other tactics I think would have been acceptable in this situation (of course Mace and pepper spray run the risk of affecting bystanders).
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