A while ago, I wrote about a particular guy who was messing around with his laptop's motion sensor. Turns out he's also tried messing with his laptop's light sensor (I honestly didn't know they had these sensors).
But the coolest thing he's done is getting UNIX to run on a Game Boy Advance. Which reminds me of an old project I imagine working on but will probably never get around to -- putting eCos on our old Nintendo 64 (yes, the modernized version of eCos that I want to write when I get the time). Problem is, I don't have access to the equipment to make game cartridges I can put into the Nintendo 64. Oh, and that lack of time thing.
But, for anyone interested in reading a technical chapter before it was edited (that is, when it had 140 pages of detail instead of the 40 or so that it has in the final book), he also wrote about the technical history of the Apple's verious operating systems' internals.
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