Friday, September 08, 2006

Now that Armitage has confessed to outing Plame, and Rove already confessed to confirming her identity, we have an interesting timeline of events. We also have Libby facing criminal charges for covering things up. Something's not quite right.

I'm not calling for Fitzgerald's head on a platter because I know he's had access to information I don't have, and I hope that extra information can explain why Libby would go out of his way to cover for Armitage and/or Rove. And, because Libby's facing criminal charges, that extra information should establish a "criminal mind" (for something to be a crime, you must do something wrong, and you must do it with criminal intent, or criminal recklessness, or criminal negligence).

But it is clear that Howard Dean was wrong when he said "the special prosecutor identified 'Official A,' who leaked, and that was Karl Rove." Maybe the next Democratic Party chairman will actually be effective.


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