It's a good thing Enron's not manipulating California's energy market any more, so that there won't be any blackouts this summer. I mean, if it weren't for Enron, somebody would have to figure out why the state-run Public Utilities Commission can't get enough power for 30 million people (and why they have a wall with lights telling them the state of the power grid when I could write up a Java Applet they could look at in their browser).
For the record, I think PUC does a great job handling a nearly-impossible task. I also think that California needs to fix some problems with its system. Right now Californians (1) blame Enron, (2) blame environmentalists, (3) blame Gray Davis, and/or (4) blame Arnold Schwarzenegger. Not to say that they don't deserve some blame, but let's fix the problem now.
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