Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Once upon a time, I wanted to be a journalist. However, it looks like USA Today (yes, the USA Today that broke the news that the NSA looks over calling records) has started making up details when reporting on some stories.
Eight employees were stabbed Friday by a co-worker at a Memphis suburban grocery store, and four were seriously injured, police said. The victims were identified only as six females and two males who worked at the Schnucks grocery. ...

The suspect was tackled by a witness as he tried to run from the building and was held until officers arrived, Higgins said.

What's wrong with that? Well, other newspapers reported on what happened, and they said:
Cope said he grabbed a 9mm semiautomatic pistol from his pickup truck when he saw the attacker chasing the victim "like something in a serial killer movie."

"When he turned around and saw my pistol, he threw the knife away, put his hands up and got on the ground," Cope told The Associated Press. "He saw my gun and that was pretty much it."

After getting a ribbing for it's inventive way of using "tackled by a witness" to mean "decided to wait for police when a witness pulled a gun on him," USA Today eventually came clean and mentioned the missing details.


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