Friday, May 05, 2006

I guess I shouldn't take myself that seriously. At work, we often help out the data processing department. We get a stack of notices printed on old fanlfold paper, and we pick out the important data and enter it into an Excel spreadsheet. Of course it's annoying to tear each sheet of paper off the stack, but I find it easier to work with loose paper than fanfold stuff.

I learned that there is a trick to tearing large stacks of paper. If you hold the paper a certain way, you can effectively set up a chain of tearing a single sheet of paper (compared to tearing all the paper at once). It's impressive to see a normal human being tear a phone book. I'm not all that good at this, but with perforations, it's a little easier.

The lady who sits in the cubicle to my left noticed me slowly tearing an inch-thick stack of paper all at once. I had to explain that it wasn't nearly as hard as it looks. Deep down I was feeling pretty clever.

That is, until she said, "you are so lazy."

Jayden is learning sign language. The first sign he is learning is the one for "more". The speech therapist is working with him one sign at a time. She says the word "more" while she signs it. She also holds his hands to show him how to do it. Yesterday Jayden had a hearing test. While we were waiting I offered Jayden some water and then I put it away. I asked him if he wanted more while I signed it and he signed it too. I was so excited because this was the first time I've seen him do that. Anyway, his hearing test results were borderline normal. The audiologist looked in his ears and noticed fluids so I went and had him checked at the doctor's office. He has a mild ear infection. So I'm giving him the pink medicine and we will test his hearing again in about 2 months.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Just want my gorgeous wife to know that I am able to post now. Turns out I already had a blogger account from commenting on another person's blog back in November. Now that we have our own place to post, I'll probably have less time to tell other people why they're wrong. Oh well. I'm still happy.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

For I while I’ve been wanting to make a family webpage so I can share photos and happenings with far away friends and family. I found this free blog spot I’m going to try instead. I’ll write as much as I can when I have a free moment here and there.

Currently I’m working full-time. My son Jayden goes to a Montessori School while I work. This school is a small one with only 20 children, ages 2-5, attending. It’s a cute, small building that use to be a chapel. Last night they held their annual May Day celebration. Jayden enjoyed walking around the May pole. They had a fiddler come and play music. We all had a good time. Max didn’t get to come. He works in the afternoon and has classes in the morning. This week he has been busy with final projects. His exams are next week. The following week we have a few days off of work to go on vacation. We are hoping to fly to California and visit family.