Any guess why I find this author's description funny? I'm putting my money on the fact that I have a twisted sense of humor; but I think other people may have more-developed theories.
NC Lybberts
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Don't think that since I haven't posted in a while that I'm not following current events. I am, but not the Presidential primaries.
As for the primaries; I don't really have a nominee that I like. I can get mildly enthused by three of them, but that's it. The main reason is probably that I've never lived in a state with an early enough primary to affect the nomination. Another reason is that there simply won't be another Bush (somebody able to send the liberals into apopolectic fits; cause the other side to prove Godwin's Law on a daily basis; and continue to run circles around his opponents even when his popularity ratings are in the toilet).
I've heard some suggestions that Hillary Derangement Syndrome is just as strong as Bush Derangement Syndrome, and I have to agree. But that's only one ingredient to the mix. Hillary's missing the actual conviction that makes watching B.D.S. sufferers so funny. Bush's decision to not fund some embronic stem cell research is still ridiculed in some quarters. To dream up a parallel scenario, if Hillary were to expand ethanol subsidies drastically, do you think she would have the backbone to hold the line if the price of corn skyrocketed? Would she be willing to try getting ethanol out of sugar cane or algae? If she didn't at least pretend to care about the cause, it wouldn't be fun to watch the fireworks, because she'd cave before there were any. And I haven't seen any reason to believe she's less of a chameleon than her husband.